Saturday, September 24, 2011

How to maintain the world's largest afro… which at 4ft 4in around takes two days to dry


Record breaker: Aevin Dugas from New Orleans, USA, who is the proud owner of the largest natural afro with a circumference measuring 4ft 4in

It is the perennial complaint of husbands and boyfriends that women take too long in the bathroom.

But for a woman in New Orleans it takes day to wash and dry her record breaking afro, which is more than 4ft 4in around.

Aevin Dugas, 36, said that her beauty regime takes so much effort, that she only wears her hair big when she's going out.

Exhausting: Ms Dugas said that her afro takes days to wash and dry

'It's always getting caught in trees, and one time I even slammed my hair in the car door,' said Ms Dugas whose hairstyle has taken 12 years to grow.

To get her hair ready for a night out she shampoos it and then uses up to five conditioners.

She then puts her hair into two French braids and from then it takes about two days to dry.

After that, she moisturises the hair, picks it out and then finally sprays it with water to help it kink up a bit.

Ms Dugas has just entered the Guinness Book of Records with her hair, which was officially measured at 4ft 4in.

source: dailymail


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