Tuesday, August 16, 2011

We've frozen time! They've never been near a surgeon's knife. So how have these women defied ageing?


Suzan Clements (left) is 52; Jill Thornton (centre) is 57 and Teresa Fuller (right) is 66

As women nationwide spend thousands in the ongoing quest for eternal youth, three over-fifties who have been surgery-free all their lives share the secret of how they defied the ageing process...


Suzan Clements works as a land and country house estate agent, and also runs an import business. She is divorced with a 19-year-old daughter and lives in the village of Gedling, Nottinghamshire.

'I'm a true believer in health and vitality coming from within,' said Suzan Cements who stopped ageing at 42 (left). She is now 52 (right)

I appreciate that a lot of looking young for your age is down to good genes — and luck — but there are certain things that help. I’m a great believer in the health properties of Chinese puerh tea. I drink it every day, and it’s said to be a great metabolism booster. Victoria Beckham is apparently a fan.

I’m a true believer in health and vitality coming from within — that I’ve ‘thought’ myself younger. And long may it continue.


Jill Thornton, 57, is a pilates instructor from Guildford. She is married to consultant gastroenterologist John and has three sons, Alex, 28, James, 26, and 20-year-old Miles.

'I took up pilates 13 years ago after three pregnancies left me with a weak back and I think I stopped ageing around then, at 44 (left),' said Jill Thornton who is now 57 (right)

I took up pilates 13 years ago after three pregnancies left me with a weak back and I think I stopped ageing around then, at 44.

The pain and restricted movement I suffered was very draining. I felt I moved like an old lady, which left me feeling like one, too.

The gentle pilates exercises I took up really helped — toning and strengthening deep abdominal muscles, which helped my back so much.

In fact, my experience with pilates was so positive I decided to train as an instructor and qualified in 2000. Now I teach eight classes a week, plus one-to-one sessions.

I think pilates keeps me looking young because it affects the way I move, which is always such a giveaway in older women.


Teresa Fuller, 66, is a support worker from Downham Market, Norfolk. She has two grown-up sons, Marcus, 39, and James, 35, and a four-year-old grandson, Matthew. She is also a diet consultant.

'It took me six months to get to my target weight of nine-and-a-half stone. Finally, I could love my body,' said Teresa Fuller who stopped ageing at 49 (left). She is 66 (right)

That’s when I saw an advert for the Cambridge Weight Plan in the newspaper and decided to go for it.

The plan involves replacing meals with calorie-controlled soups and shakes, and weekly one-to-one sessions with a counsellor. I couldn’t just cut down on carbs, or cut out desserts — for me it had to be all or nothing, which is why I picked such a strict regime.

It wasn’t easy, but it took me six months to get to my target weight of nine-and-a-half stone. Finally, I could love my body — and the reflection that stared back at me from the mirror.

source: dailymail


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