Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Modelling in her underwear at 12 and pregnant at 15... and schoolgirl's proud mother can't wait for a new council house

By Anna Edwards

By age 12, Soya Keaveney had already posed in lacy underwear and was on a strict diet so she could become a model.

So it should not come as a surprise that by the age of 15 the youngster is pregnant - and her mother is delighted.

Proudly showing her bump, the aspiring model from Thornaby, Cleveland, insists she is going to be a brilliant mother.

Too much, too young? Seen posing in revealing clothes at just 12, Soya is now 16-weeks pregnant at just 15

'It was a shock at first but now I'm really excited,' Soya, who is 16-weeks pregnant, told The Sun.

'I'm the first of my friends to have a baby - but I don't think I've grown up too fast.'

And her unemployed mother, Janis, 48, is delighted at the prospect that the new addition will mean a larger council home for the family including her other children Coco, Ritzy, Tarot and Jake.

She hopes that the council will upgrade them from a three-bedroom house to a five-bedroom home.

Soya, who had her belly button pierced at 12, fell pregnant with her 17-year-old boyfriend Jake Gray's baby in May.

On social website Facebook, Soya and Jake, who have been in a relationship for 18 months, say they are 'married'.

Janis, who allows Jake to stay over in the family home, says her daughter is firmly against abortion and was always going to keep her baby.

She said: 'I'm sure she'll make a wonderful mum and will teach her children discipline like I have.'

Heavily coated in make up, Soya's mother Janis says she trusts her daughter completely and will be a wonderful mother

The former school secretary, who now claims benefits, says she is being strict about letting Jake, a mechanic, stay overnight by making him and Soya sleep in separate bedrooms.

Despite that her daughter is now four-months pregnant, Janis says Soya had been using the contraceptive pill and the couple won't be sharing a bed until her daughter turns 16 in January because 'the law is the law'.

But she said she tried to be an understanding mother because she can see the how much the couple are in love.

Jake celebrated the duo's 17-month anniversary by buying his young girlfriend a new tongue piercing.

Soya began heading out to discos when she was a mere seven-years-old, sporting revealing tops and short skirts, and wearing make-up.

Janis accepts that her child is still immature, but says she completely trusts the schoolgirl when she goes out partying.

And when her daughter, then just 12, told her about a 'kissing competition' she played with her friends to see who could kiss the most boys on a night out at a disco, the mother dismissed it as harmless.

Responding to critics on her Facebook page, Soya wrote: 'Don't see what the big fuss is... Age shouldn't matter in a relationship aslong as youse love eachother!

'Being pregnant doesn't mean your a slut especially to someone who you have been in a long term relationship with!'

The girl described listening to her baby's heartbeat as 'amazing' and hit out at those who questioned her pregnancy at such a young age.

She wrote: 'Ffs its old news now that me and jake are having a baby so if you saddos have nothing better to do than chat evil nasty s*** about us then you must have a very boring life !! Here's an idea .... F*** off and get on with your own sad life and leave happy people alone !!'

The youngster caused an uproar when she pulled a variety of provocative poses in her bikini, proudly showing off her tanned body with her false nails and belly-button piercing.

Stunned parents reacted with disbelief that her mother would allow her to take the suggestive pictures, let alone give magazines permission to publish them.

We have chosen not to print the pictures.

The schoolgirl has now put her modelling career 'on hold' and would now like to be a midwife.



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