Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Can anyone tell us when the sun is coming up? 18,000 gather at a cloudy Stonehenge for all-night summer solstice party


Grey daybreak: Warmly-dressed revellers watch the sun rise for the summer solstice after a cold night at Stonehenge in Wiltshire

Tens of thousands of revellers gathered at Stonehenge for an all-night party to celebrate the longest day of the year this morning - despite grey clouds that obscured the sunrise.

English Heritage say 18,000 revellers descended on the site that is usually roped off to the public to witness dawn at exactly 4.43am.

The event is significant for druids, who were joined by hippies, pagans and tourists as well as hordes of younger visitors in search of a good party.

Prayers for peace: A druid welcomes the sun, left, while another strums in the summer on her guitar. Despite the gloom, the sunrise was greeted with cheers and songs

Waiting for the sun: Crowds gather in darkness at Stonehenge. There were around 18,000 revellers there to greet the dawn

However the number of people who camped out overnight or arrived early to witness the dawn was down on previous years because of the poor weather and the solstice falling on a weekday.

There was no beautiful sunrise into clear blue skies - heavy overnight rain gave way to overcast but dry skies as the sun rose, greeted by cheering and applause.

The self-styled King Arthur Pendragon, the veteran druid who led the event, said it had passed off smoothly.

Here comes the sun: Revellers cheer as the sun finally breaks through the clouds, more than a couple of hours after daybreak

'It is great to see the stones being used in this way, as opposed to the usual manner with tourists being herded around.'

Stonehenge, which is between 4,000 and 5,000 years old, has in past years been the site of confrontations between revellers and police.

But Superintendent Gavin Williams, of Wiltshire Police, said the majority of the crowd this year were well-behaved and 'came to see the sunrise in the spirit of the event', which was policed in the same way as night spots in the county. However, two men were photographed fighting at the event.

Of the 20 arrests, 11 were for drugs offences and five for public order offences. In addition, 47 drug seizures were made.

Light in the East: Revellers surround the ancient stones as dawn breaks. Celebrations centre on the Heelstone, which is aligned with the midsummer sunrise

Leading the ceremony: Chief druid King Arthur Pendragon leads incantations during the summer solstice ceremony

Through the ages: Brightly dressed druids greet the solstice, left, and a very young initiate touches the ancient stones. The stone circle is usually roped off to visitors

Mr Williams said: 'Although it was disappointing that some individuals chose to bring drugs with them, they were dealt with robustly.'

English Heritage, which manages the Stonehenge site on Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, said the atmosphere had been 'peaceful and good natured'.

The annual event is a modern take on solstice celebrations which were once a highlight of the pre-Christian calendar. Celebrations focus on the Heelstone, which sits just outside the main circle, and is aligned with the midsummer sunrise.

The solstice is one of the few times access is granted inside the stone circle, which has been roped off since 1978 following years of erosion and vandalism.

Stonehenge's origins remain a mystery, but one theory is that it is a huge astronomical calendar. Others say an ancient sun-worshipping culture aligned the structure with the midsummer sunrise and the midwinter sunset.

The World Heritage site was used as a cremation cemetery since its inception, archaeologists say, but it is unclear if that was its principal function.

It was build in three phases, with stones brought from up to 150 miles away, between 3000 BC and 1600 BC .

High point: A man wedges himself at the top of one of the pillars. English Heritage said the event was 'peaceful and good-natured'

Summer Solstice celebrations at Stonehenge

source : dailymail


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