By DAILY MAIL REPORTER Braving the cold: A trouser-less Lady Gaga climbs down from her plane at the airport in Gdansk, Poland
When it comes to her eye-catching clothing, Lady Gaga is not known for making compromises.
And it seems that even freezing temperatures, and the odd flurry of snow, don't have any influence over her wardrobe.
The pop star landed in the Polish city of Gdansk yesterday, where snow is in the air and the temperature is hovering around 25°F or -4°C.
But rather than wrap up warm, she stepped off the plane with nothing but a sheer pair of thin tights to protect her bare legs.
Despite their being no fans nearby to admire her outfit, she chose to go without a pair of trousers, or even a skirt, rather than compromise her style.
Gaga, in Gdansk for Saturday night's concert, instead chose to wear impossibly high heels, a Barbour waxed jacket and a head scarf.
Hello snow: Gaga did at least wear a jacket as she arrived in Poland ahead of her gig
Gaga had flown in from New York, where she spent Thanksgiving with her family.
She tweeted fans a picture of one of her culinary creations - a traditional green bean casserole which she renamed her 'Little Monsters casserole'.
Gaga, 24, tweeted the message: ' I'm so thankful for the blessing of my fans. My family+I are thankful for u.
'For those lonely today, we set an extra place at our table.'
source: dailymail
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